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Wulagai Formation
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Wulagai Fm base reconstruction

Wulagai Fm


Age Interval: 
Early to Late Triassic

Pakistan Axial Belt

Type Locality and Naming

Khanozai Gr – upper formation: Holotype section: Tarkai-Gwal section, Axial Belt. 60 km NE of Quetta. Author: M. D.Williams, 1959 - name adopted by M. Anwar et al. (1993). Reference section: None.

Synonym: Wulgai Fm

Lithology and Thickness

Pelagic marl. The formation consists of indurated dark grey mudstone and shale with intercalations of thin limestone, calcareous mudstone and sandstone. The shale in the lower part is dark grey to black in color, and the thin limestone beds in the upper part are crystalline and exhibit black, dark grey or greenish-grey color. The shale is purple, olive, brownish grey to greenish grey and well bedded.

Thickness: 180 m. At the type section, the formation is 180 m thick. At other places like Wulgai section, the formation is tectonized and disturbed and attains a thickness of 1,180 m (Williams, 1959), whereas according to Sokolov & Shah (1965) the total thickness is 985 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Pelagic marl

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Conformably underlain by Permian beds in Shirinab section, disconformably in Ghazaband section but tectonically disturbed in the Wulgai section. Its lower contact with Gwai Fm is sharp where a fossiliferous gritty limestone with limestone boulders is present; this bed contains spiriferinids and crinoidal debris. According to authors, its age is Middle Triassic and indicates a disconformity.

Upper contact

Conformably overlain by Jurassic sequence (transitional).

Regional extent

This formation is exposed only in the Axial Belt, which is the ophiolite-and-thrust belt in Zhob, Kallat and Khuzdar regions. Wulagai Fm shows close similarity with the Triassic rocks of the Mount Everest region (Wager, 1939).




The formation is sparsely fossiliferous. Columbites sp., has been reported from its lower part whereas Halorites sp., Jovites sp., Pararcestes sp., Arietoceltites sp., Halobia sp., and Monotis salinaria have been obtained from the upper part. According to Fatmi (1977), these fossils indicate an Early to Late Triassic age.


Early to Late Triassic.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Similar to the underlying Gwai Fm, it is composed of clastic and carbonates turbidites of deep-water origin and is found in thrust sheets.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Nusrat K. Siddiqui